There are several legal entity setup options that you can use to conduct business in Malaysia.
This also depends whether you are a natural person (human) or a body corporate.
You may conduct a business under any of these various legal entity if you qualify under the relevant law:-
A person that intends to do business under the Registration of Businesses Act 1961;
Persons that intends to conduct business under a Partnership formed under the Partnership Act 1961;
Persons or body corporate that intends to conduct business under a Limited Liability Partnership formed under Limited Liability of Partnership Act 2012;
Persons or body corporate that intends to do business under a private company under the Companies Act 2016;
A persons or body corporate that intends to do business under a public company under the Companies Act 2016;
A public company that intends to conduct business as a Trust Company under the Trust Companies Act 1949;
A society that intends to do business registered under the Societies Act 1966; or
A co-operative society that intends to do business under the Co-operative Societies Act 1951.